upper canada fibreshed
within a 250 mile radius of toronto, on, canada
Started by Becky Porlier and Jennifer Osborn. After meeting at the Rare Breeds Canada table, during the Guelph Organic Conference in 2013, began forming the Upper Canada Fibreshed. They had each discovered the work of Rebecca Burgess’ Fibershed initiative out of California, USA.
Upper Canada Fibreshed (UCFS) works to cultivate and foster connections throughout a growing local fibershed community. Not only are they helping to encourage bio diversity within the agricultural landscape, but are working to insure that our local fiber heritage, made up of local farmers, mills, artisans, and consumers, continues to grow in a sustainable way better interconnected with one another.
Through UCFS, Peggy Sue has been partnered with multiple artisans, farmers, mills, and community members who actively support and believe in our local North American fiber heritage. These women one step at a time are creating lasting connections between local fiber community individuals in a way that tangibly supports local business and a self sustaining economy.