ideuma creek alpacas
unadilla, ny, u.s.a.
John and Denise Jacobus not only care for a herd of nearly 70 alpacas, they are also both full-time teachers. Over the past 10 years, they have sold about 150 alpacas to fiber farmers as well as birthed 150 cria on their farm. Their herd produces the entire range of color found naturally within alpacas at a quality that is truly a pleasure to work with. It is a testament to their ability as farmers and their loving care for the well-being of their alpacas.
"Our farm here at Ideuma Creek is more than just a plot of land on which we raise some animals. It's a special place where joy and success are measured in extraordinary ways.
There's joy in apple blossom filled trees in the orchard each May. Joy is in the hearing of the first spring peepers calling at the night. We feel it when the sugar maples turn brilliant colors each fall. It's there when we watch the cria racing in the pastures on cool summer evenings. It's in finding the toad each summer in his spot by the water pail.
At Ideuma Creek, success is measured in the size of the pumpkins growing in the gardens. It's in the number of healthy cria each year opening their eyes for the very first time. It's the time we get to spend with the grazing herd. It's the number of bird nests we find filled with alpaca fiber. It's the goslings our returning pair of geese raise in our pond.
Life at Ideuma Creek can be hectic and challenging. But it's a place where success and joy are measured a bit differently. Simply put, at Ideuma Creek, success and joy can easily be found. One needs to look no further than the barns, the pasture, and within the gardens that surround them."
-John and Denise Jacobus